Smart tech solution had the honor of receiving a visit from dr mansour for a strategic partnership meeting, as smart tech solution aims to aid and support yemen and increase its exports abroad. Dr mansour visit confirmed that smart tech solution is the leader in the market in terms of maintaining the highest quality and pricing, the visit led to a successful partnership with sheba metric international. smart tech solution as always is aiming to be on the forefront in the emerging market starting by supplying our partner in yemen for the aid of the yemen population and to ease the supply and demand for medical devices and orthopedic implants.
Smart tech solution partnership with Sheba metric international for importing is to ensure that the yemen market is supplied with the best quality and pricing products certified in compliance with EN ISO 13485:2016 and MDD 93/47/EEC as well as regulatory requirements. Each person in Smart Tech Solution is accountable for ensuring product quality patient and consumer safety.